


  1. Swedish Electromobility Centre

  2. "Alternative PFAS free binders and electrolytes" (Pre-study) - Co-applicant


  3. Uppsala University - Faculty of Science and Technology

  4. Extension of project: "Batteries: Powering a Mobile World" Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Course: English , Swedish

  5. Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) - Industrial PhD 2023 (Granted)

  6. Project: Development of electrode materials for NiMH batteries


  7. Uppsala University - Faculty of Science and Technology (Creation of open online courses for climate change)

  8. Project: "Batteries: Powering a Mobile World" Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). Course: English , Swedish

  9. Swedish Energy Agency - Battery Fund (Energimyndigheten: Batterifondsprogrammet)

  10. Project: Stable interfaces enabling the use of safe electrolytes for next-generation batteries


  11. Swedish Energy Agency - Battery Fund (Energimyndigheten: Batterifondsprogrammet)

  12. Project: Non-flammable electrolytes for safer lithium-ion batteries


  13. EU Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement no. 883753

  14. Project: SIMBA (“Sodium-Ion and sodium Metal BAtteries for efficient and sustainable next-generation energy storage”)

  15. Wenner-Gren Travel Grant, #RSh2019-003

  16. Attendance at the Gordon Research Conference "Electrochemical Interfaces in Energy Conversion and Storage", Hong Kong, CN - Jun 2020, [postponed due to Covid-19].


  17. ÅForsk Young Scientist Research Grant, #19-638

  18. Project: "Lignosulfonate binders for green next-generation battery electrodes"


  19. ÅForsk Travel Grant, #18-649

  20. Attendance at the Gordon Research Conference "Nanomaterials for applications in energy technology", Ventura Beach, CA - Feb 2019


  21. Various Travel Grants: RSC Electrochemistry Group, RSC Solid State Group, IoP Research Student Conference Fund, IoP C R Barber Trust Fund, The Southdown Trust

  22. Attendance at the 223rd Meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Toronto - May 2013